Monday, May 4, 2015

Look Mom!! I'm on Top of the World!!!!

Weak, tired, drained, emotional and probably in tears, but you made it! All those months of training through one of the coldest winters ever... Nothing mattered at that moment. You were on top of the world and nothing or no one can change that. You earned to be there!!.

Think back to when you started this journey. Think back to Dec 2014 or early Jan 2015. Think back to that person you were when you started. You are without a doubt, NOT that same person now. Whether this was your first marathon or half marathon or your 10th, this training changed you. You battled this cold winter and you won! You walk around just a bit taller now. You have a bit more confidence and you now believe that ANY thing is possible. In turn you have developed a great deal of respect for those that shared those miles with you.

This is true for half marathons, 10Ks and 5Ks!! It's not the distance, 
it's the training that WILL change your life!


Seeing all the posts and pictures everyone's posted from your races is very inspiring. I must admit, I wish I had TSR in my early days of running. I could have really used all of you back then. Every time you guys post your accomplishments, they remind me why I started running and why I love it so much.

As I sat around last night going through all the post, I have to truly admit, that I am overwhelmed with all the achievements you guys have had. These past few weeks, PRs were set, BQs were met and "first times" were achieved! With each step you guys took, from beginning to end, you wrote your own stories. Each different, but all ending the same - accomplished!

I wanted to post pictures from everyone's race on the blog, but my time is limited, plus they are all on Facebook anyway :) .... But I will post one. This is by far my favorite picture out of all of them. Tracy Mitchell's finish line pic. No words are needed to describe this picture. This picture says it all. This is the reason why we all run....

We all know this feeling... 


Congrats to everyone! You have accomplished so much. 
Keep posting! Keep inspiring others!!

This is what Tri-State Running is all about!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2015


I love doubt. Doubt tells us we are not strong enough. It demands that we are too slow, unworthy, incapable and weak. Our lives are riddled with "I cants" "I wonts" and "No ways". And often we believe it. We let doubt win. People question why I run, why I train, why I focus a majority of my time on a hobby that wrecks my body and tolls my mind. 
I do it for me. Because, I doubt myself. Because I tell myself "I cant" "I wont" and "No way". While so many people move through life consumed by doubt, petrified by it,.... I face it head on. It does not consume me, it fuels me. I welcome the doubt. I welcome it because it makes me try impossible things. Ethan Newberry


To those taking on the Spartan Beast this weekend, you can't dot it. To the runners taking on Heart Break on their way to Boston, you wont make it.Those running New Jersey or Providence, no way you'll finish! Anyone else racing for just running this weekend, why try?

Doubt yourselves. 
Believe that you can't, you wont and there is no way you'll do it....

Now, take that doubt. Look it straight it the eye and let it fuel your passion. Welcome it! Prove to doubt that you can keep moving forward, that you can take that extra step, that you can reach your goals! You will conquer the Beast! You will take on the Heart Break! Jersey aint got nothing on you!!! Providence aint nothing!! You will keep running!! You will prove to doubt what your made of!!

You will do the impossible!!!


Good luck to all my friends at the Spartan Beast and The Boston Marathon this weekend, to those running the New Jersey half and full next weekend and at the Providence half and full in a few weeks.

Don't let doubt consume you, let it fuel you!!!

- Jose

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

In Other News....

Spring time is almost here. With Spring comes warmer weather. With warmer weather comes more runners! More runners means new people to the group. It was was obvious at this past week's Pub Run how many people showed up. The temps were in the low 50s to upper 40s and we had the biggest group in weeks including one new runner.


We are not happy, we are just frozen!

Winter has not been nice to us (like I need to tell you this). I applaud all of you who braved the cold temps this winter and got your miles in. I know for a fact that I probably wouldn't have many runs out there if it wasn't for encouragement of others and I'm sure it was the same for most of you. For that I thank you!

As we stand now, we have about 250 members on Facebook. Probably about 25-30 active members. By active I mean people that post runs, meet up for runs or join our Tuesday night Pub Runs. With warmer weather approaching I expect this number to grow and I predict many Matt Hall like post where it ended up with like forty something comments... LOL. It happens. But we have and will continue to figure it out. It amazes me how we make those runs work!

With new runners joining us at Pub Run, there is nothing worse than that new kid in school feeling. So introduce yourselves, introduce others, lets make them feel welcomed. As they will soon find out, we are by no means a shy quiet group. If they do not know the route, offer to run with them. I also have maps of our normal routes, so you can always direct them towards me. We want this to be a positive experience for them and hopefully have them run with us again.


Also with Spring comes race season. I'm sure many of you have your race schedules are marked up and are ready to shake off this nasty winter season. I wish you all luck and lets show everyone that winter training has really paid off!! Most of all - have fun!!

- Jose

Sunday, January 25, 2015

You Never Know Who You Inspire

Stop for one second and think about something....... Who inspires you? Don't say it. Just think about it for a sec....

I mentioned in a post today that it was Nick that inspires me. And it's true. Nick and I work for the same company and I have seen the changes in him since the day he started. He has slowly transformed himself before everyone eyes at work. He has slowly become a new person. A more focused, more healthier and fit new Nick. Someone with a goal. He even came in first place in our company's fit challenge! I came in third!

We work for to separate departments so our path hardly crossed. But Nick knew I was a runner and would every so often ask me questions about running and I would try to help out as much as could.

Now, I normally do not share my personal life with people from work. I dont add them to my Facebook nor do I talk about my running club or anything like that. I like to keep work separate from personal stuff. So when I invited Nick to our running club, I was a little hesitant at first. It was a little nerve racking to let someone from work into my world. But I saw something in Nick. I can't explain it, but I saw myself when I looked at him so I felt a bit at ease.


My point to this is that sometimes its not always obvious who you think is the one that motivates you. We all have our "heroes" we look up to, but sometimes we need to take that step back and honestly think of who that person is that inspires us. That person can be right in front of you and you don't even realize it.


So Nick, keep up the good work. You have and still motivate me. You will accomplish all your goals as long as you keep at it. We here at TSR will help you 100% of the way!


So for everyone else... stay positive, work hard and always do your best cause you you never know who you will inspire.....

- Jose

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Did You Know...

Did you know that Tri-State Running was almost started back in 2012? Before TSR, Webster had an unofficial running group, also started on Facebook. A few current TSR members were part of this group. I think it was called Webster Running Society (or something like that)... other members can probably correct me.
I met quite a few people from that group and got some good runs in. All in all, there was probably only 12 members in that group at the time. Then one day I posted a run for a Thursday and Friday morning.....

I got my Thursday morning run in with Jenn,which I had met before. But that Friday morning run with Joanna never happened. Neither did the following Friday's run. I never got to meet the other founding member of Tri-State Running.

Sadly, weeks following this post, this running group fizzled away. People just forgot about it. It wasn't until one day a few months ago when I was cleaning up my "Groups" on Facebook did find this post. I just laughed at it. LOL... 

What could have been......


It wasn't started then, but it was started a year and half later, in October of 2013. In 2014, it grew beyond what I ever thought it would (and still growing). Also in 2014, TSR was noticed. Noticed not only by runners, but noticed by non-runners, noticed by our towns and more importantly noticed by other running groups. In 2014 we made a mark in the running community. When I say "we", I mean all of you!!

In 2015 we will not fizzle away like that other group. In 2015 I want to show everyone that we are real and we are here to stay. In 2014 we took baby steps, this year we will take off running!!!


If you are a new member and have not run with us yet, you should really consider coming down to one of our Pub Runs or one of the many weekend run posted. We are more than just a running group. We are people from many backgrounds that share a passion for running. We are here to help, we are here to support and most importantly we are here to have fun!! 

We are waiting for you!!!!

- Jose

- I dedicate this blog post to Mary Ryan. She told me to get off my ass and keep blogging :)