Sunday, December 7, 2014

Week Rewind

Another great weekend of races! Seems like TSR members were all over the place today. To the Christmas themed races to CMS's Ric Buxton 5k. It's great seeing all the pictures. Congrats to everyone. If you missed the pics, here are a few:

Great Pics! Keep them coming!!


Rick Muhr

For those of you that missed Rick Muhr's clinic this past Tuesday, man you missed a lot of great info on running. A lot of info. Rick was not kidding when he posted on our page that his clinic would transform you running. It did for me!! Everyone walked out of that lecture with what they needed to hear. Just that little bit of something that will make them a better runner.

Thank you so much Rick for coming!!

The topics he touched on 
very inspirational!

We will keep an eye out for his next clinic event. Or we might have him back in the future. If you missed it, we recommend you go to one!


Bikrams anyone??

I must admit, NEVER in my life would I ever think of doing yoga. Never mind a hot yoga class!! But some TSR members (Jim & Joanna to name a few) swear by it. I knew it was a matter of time before I got sucked in. I blame Jim's great salesman techniques. LOL!

It honestly was not as bad as I thought it would be. It was challenging and hot, but manageable. I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy the class. Plus, being there with friends made it easier to walk through those doors and try something I thought I never would. Thank you Jim for putting this together!

If another one is scheduled, please give it a try. Like me, you never know, you just might like it! I'm not waiting for the next one. I'm already looking at the Bikram's schedule. I'll be going again soon! Who's with me?

Did you get your Sticker yet???

Come see me after the pub run.... only a few left!!!!


That's all for now. Here's to another great week of runs!

- Jose

Sunday, November 30, 2014

We are about Support

I often get people that come up to me and thank me for starting this group. I know Joanna gets the same. Firstly, I never take the credit. Secondly, I want to say that we just laid the foundation. It is you guys that make this group what it is.

I love seeing the posts on Facebook from group members thanking one another for helping them or supporting them on their runs. I love seeing all the friendship that were formed because of this group. I love hearing about all the goals and accomplishments people have met. That is the whole purpose of this group.

That to me is all the "Thank You" I need.

There was some great showing of support this weekend.

Some of you may know I have been struggling with my running as of late. I haven't made a big thing about it. It will pass as it always does. I've actually been having fun inserting myself in your pics... LOL. But I wont lie and say I don't miss the group runs. So it was good for me to see this pic when I cam back from my solo walk on Saturday.

I can't tell you how much this picture made my day!!

The support didn't end there. 

After doing a speedy 12 mile run around the lake with Meredith and Scott, Jim ran the course again with Mary. Enough can't be said about Jim. He is an awesome guy, a super runner and a great friend!

Oh, Mary... there is just something about you ;)


 After taking pics of the runners on Main St on Sunday. I hopped in my truck and was about to head home when I noticed another runner a little bit ways behind. I thought to myself, is she part of the group? So I turned around and park on the side and waited for her so can take her picture too. Then I thought to myself, how creepy would it be if she wasn't part of the group and here I am taking her picture. LOL. But luckily I recognized her as she got closer. She was doing the walk\run method. 

It just so happened that I had my running shoes on and it just so happened that I had my tights under my jeans.  So asked her if she wanted company. Luckily she took it easy one me.

Look the smile..... on my face!
Thank you Michelle B. for letting me tag along.


I would like to finish off by saying congrats to TSR members Matt H. (1st overall finish), Tara C (1st Female) & Chuck C (3rd overall) at the Turkey Trot in Dudley today. You guys did awesome! TSR cleaned house!!!
Congrats to all that ran!!!


- Jose

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Pot Luck Run

What a great turnout it was for our 1st Annual TSR Thanksgiving Potluck Run. ...yes I said annual. It was such a good time, how could we not do it again next year?

I didn't do a head count, but I'm guessing there was probably 30 plus runners. With snow\rain coming on Wednesday, we couldn't have asked for better weather. It was just a perfect night.
getting ready

Who knew that us runners could whip out some delicious food?! Pull apart pizza bread, cheesy potatoes, honey ham, ribs, chili... it was a food lover's feast! I heard the Magic cookie bars macaroons were the hit of the party? Lynnette, you need to bring these every week ..LOL. The food was so good, I think I gained 10 pounds last night.

If you don't get this, you need to have Jim tell you the story...

Good times, good foods, great people!


Thanks to everyone thank came and brought food! . It made for a fun night of good eating and good times! Thanks to Drafter's for letting host the potluck. Also a big THANK YOU to all that brought canned goods for the food pantry. Its a great feeling to know that a family in need will have something to eat this holiday season.


From all of us, to all of you,
Have a 


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Great Weekend for Races!

What a great weekend it was for racing! Tri-State Running members were out in full force at different races this weekend. Here's the full update:

A few members were out on in Springfield, Ma. on Saturday running the "Y Run for Women & Girls 10k". A great race for a great cause! They did a great job and represented the club well!

Danielle, Christina, Elaina & Yvonne (top right) Danielle & Kevin (middle left)
Picture courtesy of Danielle

On Sunday TSR member Cindy ran the Santa Hustle Half in the Great State of Maine. She finished strong as she ate cookies and candy at the water stops from what I understand... LOL
Cindy (on the left)

Great Job Cindy!!

In Southbridge, other TSR members ran the Center of Hope's Gobble Wobble 5k/10k. With quite a few placing in their age group!! Here is the list: (Will not post ages....if I missed someone, let me know!! )

Scott D - First in his age group! (5K)
Eben N - Third in his age group (5K)
Linda S - First in her age group!! (5K)
Meredith M - First in her age group! (10k)
Jesse M - First in his age group! (10k)
Justin W - Third in his age group! (10k)
Gina R - First in her age group! (10k)
Gia D - Second in her age group! (10k)
Kevin Y - Second in his age group! (10k)
Scott L'Ecuyer - Third in his age group! (10k)
Anne N - Third in her age group! (10k)

Hell yeah!!! Thats what I'm talking about!!!

Congrats to everyone that ran this race! This s one of my favorite races!! I'm upset that I missed it this year.
Showing off some bling!!! (disregard the finger in the shot ... LOL)

Congrats to everyone that ran this race!!!


A few TSR member's braved the trip down south to Philly and ran either the half or the full. Great job by all especially Michael C. as he finished his first full marathon!!! 

Congrats Mike!! I am happy and proud for you!! You trained hard for this and you did it!!
I wish you many more marathons in the future!!

 Congrats to all -  Joanna M, Jenn M, Sandra G, Colleen P, Michael K, 
Philly looked like a great race!!


If I missed anyone's race this weekend, Please let me know. I will update the blog as needed.


Congrats to everyone this weekend! You all did a great job!

Run your best and keep running strong!

- Jose

Friday, November 14, 2014

Tri-State Running

@ Canal Diggers 2014

This is a FREE group. No dues or no memberships are required to join. You just need a positive attitude, a passion for running, and a passion to succeed. We have runners from different back grounds and all with different goals. But our main purpose is to help each other. This is our blog.